Since 1977
Welcome to Shree Balaji Minerals & Chemicals

We Are Here to Increase Your Knowledge With Experience

Shree Balaji Minerals & Chemicals is an 45 years old company having varied experience in the field of Gypsum in national and international area.

Shree Balaji Minerals & Chemicals. has simultaneously been in the supply and transportation of POP, Gypsum Powder, Lime Stone, Fly-Ash, Chemical powder, Clay, Grinding of Gypsum and Red Ochre etc. To Various Clients.

  • Capitalize low hanging.
  • A ballpark value added.
  • Activity to beta test.
  • Additional click throughs.
  • Capitalize on low hanging fruit.
  • A ballpark value added.
  • Activity to beta test.
  • Additional click throughs.

Team Working Dedicatedly

We have 26+ years of experience with providing wide area of specialty services works listed below


Providing Full Range of High Services Solution

Shree Balaji Minerals & Chemicals is that company which provide the customer enjoy reliable services at their business area in a professional manner. Shree Balaji Minerals & Chemicals. has an edge over its competitors due to value added services.

It lead to for its progress of his own business life which can provide its best to best chain supply of transport to its business transport leaders.

A Full Services

Differentiate our company through extraordinary service.

Foster a sense of urgency for achievement, growth, and innovation.

Attract and retain people who are committed to excellence and offer a work environment that recognizes growth and contribution.

Earn the Business with best financial returns.

All Maintenance

Achieve operational excellence by focusing on producing high-quality, safety, consistency, and low delivered cost.

All Solutions

Get A Solution For All Industries


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Winning Award
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Our Experts

We Will Serve You With The Best of Our Capacity By Expert Team

Mohit Kumar Karnani


Vinod Kumar Karnani

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Happy With Customers & Clients

We are serving the firms and big companies all around the globe. Below is the list of domestic and international clients that we are serving with our high quality products.

Contact Us

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    Contact Info

    Phone number

    (91) 8769028888

    (91) 9549132486

    Email address

    Address info

    Head Office:

    Karnani’s Corner C-136 Karni Nagar, Lalgarh Place, Bikaner Rajasthan

    Pincode :- 334001